More Companies are Using Electronic Health Records (EHR)
January 19, 2023
More Companies are Using Electronic Health Records (EHR)
January 19, 2023

A Note from Our CEO

All of us in the health information industry understand the potential impact of readily available EHR data.  Companies like Epic and Veradigm have committed resources to building a commercially viable platform for accessing patient health data through websites and custom interfaces, with impressive results throughout the US Life Insurance industry.

Although the promise is real, the current reality is more complex.  While there is quality data available, it’s not broadly available, meaning that the majority of medical information required for underwriting and claims processes must be retrieved directly from the medical provider, much as it has been for the last 40 years.

ReleasePoint – as a market leader in traditional medical information retrieval – recognizes the “sea change” occurring in digital health data, and is moving aggressively in 2023 to provide products and services to our customers that both increase utilization of the existing commercial data, while also enabling the utilization of AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies to enable a path to an advanced data platform for traditional image-based records as well.

As CEO, I’ve never been so excited or optimistic about our company’s ability to positively impact the work environment of our client organizations.  By transforming the way medical information is retrieved and utilized, ReleasePoint will be bringing the highest quality commercial health data together with the most cutting-edge web and document technologies for a unique and compelling delivery of “decision grade data”.

With our expanded product offerings, and additional investments in R&D and Business Development, you’ll be hearing more from us soon.  In the meantime, we wish you – our valuable customers and market partners – best wishes for a prosperous and successful 2023.

Derrick Halvey

ReleasePoint, Inc.