Delivering improved accuracy and reduced review time to your knowledge workers.
When the sheer quantity of information impedes your ability to meet service or compliance requirements, ReleasePoint Chart Organization can assist you with customized document organization services that will provide the support you need to overcome your business challenges:
ReleasePoint does not have to retrieve the records to organize them; in fact, we can take any file from any source and in any combination and deliver a single, consistent, navigable PDF.
From simple date and document classifications to complex multi-level categorizations with multiple data elements, our team can reduce huge files to a simplified, organized, hyperlinked PDF.
ReleasePoint builds full hyperlinking and bookmarking into the final delivered file, allowing your knowledge workers to jump directly to the information they need.
In addition to the single deliverable PDF, ReleasePoint can also deliver the full text extract of the entire organized file, downloadable through RPNet or through a B2B connection with our RestfulAPI.
Schedule a meeting to discuss how we can build a medical record retrieval solution that optimizes your company’s workflow. Email us at or directly contact a team member below.